Monday, September 08, 2008

If US votes in McBush its SAME as always, torture,no taxes 4 RICH or corp. taking jobs away+WAR,etc!
Hey! W/ I just posted 2 my other networks! Thanks Ariane! @
Don't forget I have free coloring pages & letter from the tooth fairy on my website: -Kathy

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Octopus Girl Click HERE

This pic above is from my friend on My Space... she is an OCTOPUS GIRL! Check out her site on the title above where it says "Octopus Girl Click HERE" and ask her to be friends. She is set on private so you will have to write her a message asking to send you a request.

Her site is everything to do with the octopus... wonderful pics on her site that people leave for her on her comments and Octopus Girl has tons of her own in her pics.

Here is a blurb from her telling what her site is about:

"The Octopus is my current and strongest power animal. I have been intrigued for several months by this creature. I seem to be followed by it's name and illustrations everywhere I go. I am currently trying to connect with this creature. I find myself gaining it's characteristics the more I find out about it."

I cannot for the get uTube to work for me on this blog but I have posted this FANTASTIC video Octopus Girl found. It is an octopus coming out of a clear plexi box... ewww it is just amazing!

Here is the link:

Check out my url to become My Space friends too @

Aloha, Kathy

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Where The Hell Is Matt? click here!

Take a minute out for a beautiful bit of magic! This is truly beautiful. Matt Harding dances in many different countries to the music of Deep Forest's "Sweet Lullaby" ....... Ahhh life is indeed worth exploring and a wonderful thing! Thank you Matt!

Be sure to email Matt and let him know he touched your spirit and tell him thank you.


The video on this site is full of optimism and an appreciation of the potential we all have available to us. There are adds on the same page, tis true, but the video is well worth the watching. Check out Christopher Westra's product too, it may be exactly what you have been looking for.

The Dove self Esteem Fund.

Pretty cool little film:

A few more free and lovely ideas from the Tooth Fairy Dallyanna:

Lyrics and Music to tickle your fancy and sing along. This may sound like a silly idea but just try it! Print out the words and sing the tune any time those blues get in your way!

"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy'

Ringtone for your phone "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" of course!:

Free cool stuff from Lauren Halkon, England:

Desktop Wallpapers, Screensavers, Jigsaw Puzzles

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen|

Mermaid Mythology - Origins
By Vincent Carlucci

I think that people who are unfamiliar with mermaid stories will be surprised by them. Most probably think that the mermaid is a passive, vulnerable creature like the mermaid in the movie "Splash". Nothing could be further from the truth. These are powerful beings with strong personalities. In various legends they cause storms, sink ships and drown the crews, cure illness, foretell the future and, of course, bewitch men.

The origin of the mermaid reveals the source of their strength: they were goddesses – and important ones at that. In the oldest religions the creator god is usually a goddess. Later goddesses are often associated with fertility which is another form of the power of creation. Long before the theory of evolution, the ancient philosophers believed that life came from the sea. From the intersection of these two ideas we have Aphrodite and Venus. Goddesses of love, and therefore fertility and creation, they are also associated with the sea. 'Aphrodite' means foam-born (born from the foam of the ocean waves). Venus is often associated with the sea as in Botticelli’s famous picture "The Birth of Venus" which shows the goddess riding in a scalloped seashell. Do not let the title "goddess of love" fool you. Aphrodite was also called the goddess of Life-in-Death, and was said to be the oldest of the Fates and punisher of the sinful. She was frequently cruel, jealous and proud.

I am using Aphrodite and Venus as examples of the fertility goddess but there are many others that share some or all of their attributes. From these goddesses come the legends of the mermaid. Mermaids are beautiful and Aphrodite and Venus are known for their beauty. There is a popular image of a mermaid combing her hair while she holds a mirror in her hand – the mirror and comb are symbols of Venus. Raising storms and dominion over the creatures of the sea are common attributes of sea gods.

Folk tales about mermaids incorporated these ideas. In folklore, mermaids are usually the aggressors. They are strong and willful and sometimes murderous. In some folk tales mermaids go on land to search for lovers. Lovers they will destroy when they are finished with them. If the local population gives them trouble they will call down on them monsters and foul weather. They have used their magical powers to curse individuals and entire families.

Mermaids, like the goddesses they evolved from, have a sunnier side, too, especially if they are treated with respect. They can be kind, generous, affectionate and loving. There is a family in Ireland that claims descent from a mermaid. She taught them the secrets of healing and made many of them famous physicians. Mermaids have given men the boons of wealth and knowledge, and sometimes their own love. It should be noted that having the love of a mermaid is a dicey affair. The men involved have come to bad ends more often than not. It is the same for men who have had the love of goddesses like Aphrodite or Venus.

To read a selection of mermaid tales and the myths of various sea gods and goddesses visit my site I also have some of the best mermaid images on the net.

Be sure to check out his website for some wonderful art.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Free ART at

"Baby Roses and Gardening Tips For the Soul, I Still Grieve For You"

So many miles away now
yet still I contemplate the loss.
Sometimes living in regret is useful
and softens future assessments.
I try to hear the voices in-between.

Bright eyes
they do not decide my flight
my intended journey.
I comb the colors of your claims
decipher their uses
press on regardless.

I pruned the roses
because I heard them breathing.
I set their alarm
golden rules developed over time.

I looked out the window
noticed all the consequences
they lined the driveway.
I tried to focus on their dance
rather than their intension.
They lean sometimes too far
pull me apart in crowded rooms
of malcontents.

No matter how many layers
of well being
they often lie.

I always hear them whisper
after laughing.

Such nerve.
I pack up my paints
join the brigade
that only I can see now.
I chase after moons that rest.

coming out somewhere
leaning somewhere
somewhere from the grave.
I hear you...
Try to hear myself as well
Yes, I try.
And yet...
I grieve all the day
because your presence
chose to meet me.

Quiet roar.
I neglected to pave the way.
Who knew I would ever regret
bow my head
about the struggles outcome?

I pass the day
doing best I can.
I try to give honor
to stolen baby roses.
I should grow them here now.
Find their little souls.
I would have gathered them
long ago
saved their voices for my pleasure.
Too late?

So many miles away now.
I stood on the beach
and thought I heard you breathing.

3 February 2007
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen